Your follicular
and ovulatory phase

explore all the mind and womb classes that are created for your follicular and ovulatory phase

Why classes for your follicular and ovulatory phase? 

During this part of your cycel you might feel the energy flowing due to the increased oestrogen. This is the time to nourish you body and work on increasing the blood flow to your womb and pelvis area. We want to set up body and mind for a successful ovulation. 

Benefits of these classes 

There are many different ways these classes can help you both physically and mentally during this phase. The main focus will be on activating your body to increase the blood flow in your pelvis area. By raising the blood flow we could enhance ovarian function and follicle development, optimize uterine environment, and balanced hormone levels. 

Open to receiving meditation

In this guided meditation by Victoria, she will take you to a place where you feel that you are open to receiving whatever might come

Dance meditation

Kim takes us into a dance meditation where music, dance, and meditation converge.

Fertility womb massage

In this class, Belle demonstrates how you can perform a womb massage on yourself. With these classes, we aim to nourish, create a good blood

Gentle supportive flow

In this gentle and supportive yoga flow, Victoria will guide you through a class of slow and supportive movements. Leaving you feeling fresh, yet stable.

Connect with your womb

No matter the relationship you currently have to your womb, this meditation is created to turn inwards and honor your womb. A moment to tune

Yin Yang Fertility Flow

We start this class with a few yin postures that support the opening of the hips and help to relax the pelvic floor. Then we