Victoria (Tory) Hyndman

In a light-spirited manner yet sticking to the authentic teachings of yoga, Victoria uses the wisdom of Ayurveda in her yoga classes for students to experience spiritual access through physical practice. Canadian-born, Amsterdam raised and moved to Los Angeles in 1997 to discover the world of yoga and Ayurveda, Victoria moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2005 to study at The Ayurvedic Institute under the guidance of her primary teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad. She also experienced her first pregnancy there during the last few months of her Ayurvedic studies with dr. Lad, who gave her golden tips on pregnancy, birthing and post-natal healing and rejuvenation, which Victoria passionately passes on to all women in her women’s workshops. Now, back in Amsterdam with her two children, Victoria teaches various classes, all that are challenging as they are nourishing, strengthening yet softening, bringing the students to a place within themselves where they have direct experience of finding both strength and softness, where all opposites become balanced.